Breastmilk, in a necklace? What?

When I first read about breastmilkjewelry I was weirded out by it. Why would you have your milk preserved and made into a necklace, bracelet or ring? This was until Cara started growing. You never know if you’ll be able to have more children and I wanted to have something to remind me of that period of time when I was nursing.

I know that lots of people think it’s weird to put your milk in some piece of jewelry, which I get, I was one of those people. But I am also a person who cherishes moments and having a touchable reminder of those moments is nice for me. Also it is a reminder of what my body did and how it created food for 2 children so far, and bonding. Anyways, after reading up on all the amazing things breastmilk contains and does I realized that I wanted a reminder of the nursing period. Hence the necklace.

I looked on a lot of sites, and finally decided to go with Jobri Milkcharms. She had a nice selection and also not too expensive. So I ordered a charm and there I went, with my breastmilk in a baggie to the postoffice. I wonder what the guy who made the package for me was thinking. After 3 months of waiting my necklace was done! It was sent to me and I was beyond happy, it was a small charm and that was perfect because I love it when jewelry is subtle. I went to the bathroom to put the necklace on and…. I dropped the charm in the freaking sink. So of course I freaked out because I thought that was my precious necklace down the drain. Literally. Well, maintenance was called and I got my charm back. It was an experience.

Anyway, now I am curious to your opinion on breastmilk jewelry. Yay or nay?


